

This term occurs Kauṭ. 2, 25, 27 (text p. 79; transl. Kangle p. 178;
transl. J. J. Meyer p. 187; transl. Sham. p. 133). Sham. renders it by
SOLANUM MELONGENA, without any comment. J. J. Meyer takes it as
the fragrant bark of FERONIA ELEPHANTUM (elavāluka), but remarks
that the reading elāvāluka makes it probable that one should translate:
elā and vāluka (i. e. harivāluka, the fragrant bark of kapittha); Kangle
translates: cardamum, vāluka. Acc. to Vśs elāvāluka is a synonym of

lnum: 34

image: 532

cologne link: एलावालुक