

(1) a) a particular plant eaten as a vegetable (PW; Vśs);
b) a kind of potherb described as growing in watery ground
(Kav; MW), but acc. to some a species of cucumber (MW);
(3) EUPHORBIA NERIIFOLIA LINN. (DWH 3, p. 253-257; Vśs);
(4) E. ANTIQUORUM LINN. (DWH 3, p. 253-257; Vśs);
(5) SOLANUM VERBASCIFOLIUM LINN. (KB 3, p. 1753-1754);
(6) S. PUBESCENS WILLD. (Roxb., p. 189);
(7) = kaṭuśaraṇa (Vśs, unidentified);
(8) = śamaṭha (Cakra on Ca. Sū. 27, 106; unidentified); Cakra on
Ca. Sū. 27, 171: “gaṇḍīra is of two kinds: red and white; the red type
has been described as a pungent potherb, the white type grows in
water;” Ḍa. on Su. Ci. 4, 32: “gaṇḍīra is of two kinds: terrestrial and
aquatic; the terrestrial type is a vegetable, the aquatic type is jala-
pippalīgaṇḍīra” (see jalapippalī).

lnum: 85

image: 549

cologne link: गण्डीर