

Sbm. 4, 137 mentions a golajakaṣāya, comm. aśvatthaphalaṃ loke ‘gola’
nāmnā vyavahriyate. golaka = takkola acc. to comm. on Haram. 5, 129.
takkola is difficult to identify; acc. to S.N. Yoganarasimhan and V.S.
Togunashi in SCA 31, 8, Feb. 1979, p. 764 it is Vitex altissima Linn. f.
Bheṣajakalpa 64 mentions takkola (not identified in the notes). tak-
kola = kakkola acc. to Vśs; kakkola is sometimes identified as Piper
cubeba Linn. f. (Sharma; Bt.).

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image: 437

cologne link: गोल्ल