

(1) SALVADORA PERSICA LINN. (Avk; Chopra: bṛhatpīlu; Dgv, nr.
209; Dutt; DWH 2, p. 380-384; Gul; HB; HK; Kav; KB 2, p. 1537-
1539; MW; Nadk. 1, nr. 2203; PW; Vśs) = S. INDICA WIGHT (Chopra;
Dutt; HK; Kav; KB 2, p. 1537-1539; Vśs) = S. WIGHTIANA PLANCH.
EX THW. (Nadk. 1, nr. 2203) = S. OLEOIDES DECNE. (Bpn, p. 577;
Chopra; DWH 2, p. 380-384; KB 2, p. 1539-1540; Vśs); acc. to the
Index Kewensis S. PERSICA LINN. = S. OLEOIDES DECNE.; Chopra
considers them to be two separate species; so do Kirtikar and Basu;
Hooker says in his Flora of India 3, p. 620, that S. OLEOIDES DECNE. is
closely allied to S. PERSICA LINN., but well distinguished by Brandis
(see Brandis’ Indian Trees, p. 453): the Flora Iranica also regards S.
PERSICA and S. OLEOIDES as separate species;
(2) CAREYA ARBOREA ROXB. (KB 2, p. 1061-1063; MW; PW).

lnum: 163

image: 575

cologne link: पीलु