

(1) Maerua arenaria Hook.f. et Thoms. (Bt.);
(2) = mūrvā (Hṛdayadīpaka 47; Ma.nigh. 1, 224; Rā.nigh. 3, 10-11; comm.
on Śivakoṣa 509; Vśs; MW; PW) (cf. madhusrava above);
(3) = piṇḍakharjūrī (Dha.nigh. 5, 55; Vśs; MW);
(4) = madhuyaṣṭī (Dha.nigh. 1, 142; Rā.nigh. 6, 182; Nś. 189; Vśs;
MW; PW);
(5) = haṃsapā̆dī (on this see below) (Dha.nigh. 4, 111; Ma.nigh. 1, 259;
Pa.ra. 390; Rā.nigh. 5, 165-168; Śivakoṣa 509; Vśs; MW; PW);
(6) = jīvantī (Amarakośa 2, 4, 142; Bpn, guḍūcyādivarga 50; comm. on
Śivakoṣa 509; Vśs; MW; PW);
(7) = śatāvarī (Nś. 295cd-296);
(8) = raktalajjālukā (Vśs: unidentified);
(9) Wattakaka volubilis (Linn. f.) Stapf = Dregea volubilis (Linn. f.)
Benth. ex Hook.f. = Hoya viridiflora R.Br. (MW; see WIRM 10, p. 564 and
Chopra on the nomenclature).

lnum: 449

image: 462

cologne link: मधुस्रवा