

This term occurs Kauṭ. 2, 15, 18 (text p. 74; transl. Kangle p. 142;
transl. J. J. Meyer p. 141; transl. Sham. p. 101); (see App. 3: amla).
Sham. is of the opinion that it is a synonym of āmalaka; J. J. Meyer
(p. 141, footnote 7) is unsure about the meaning of the word; he seems
to prefer to take the word as a compound and remarks that vidala
(acc. to the dictionaries) designates BAUHINIA VARIEGATA, but acc. to
Gaṇ. the pomegranate (dāḍima). In my opinion the word vidalāmalaka
is a compound and the first member is vidala or vidalā.
vidala: (1) BAUHINIA VARIEGATA LINN. (MW; Vśs: = raktakāñcana);
(2) B. PURPUREA LINN. (Vśs: = raktakāñcana);
(3) the seeds of PUNICA GRANATUM LINN. (Vśs).
vidalā: (1) IPOMOEA TURPETHUM R. BR. (MW; Vśs);
(2) = sātalā (Vśs; variously identified, but acc. to Vśs.
(3) the bark of PUNICA GRANATUM LINN. (MW).
The best solution is to read vidala and to take it in the sense of
dāḍima (PUNICA GRANATUM LINN.) because the pomegranate is usually [Page-601+ 34]
enumerated as one of the fruits called phalāmla. (Kangle also trans-
lates: pomegranate).

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cologne link: विदलामलक